Saturday, June 1, 2013

Channel Islands National Park

My family and I went to Channel Islands National Park. We had the most amazing time visiting the islands and watching all wild life. We saw the following animals in wild -

scrub jay
sea lions
humpback whales
brown pelican
blue whale
island fox
western sea gull

My favorite animal was baby chicks of the western sea gull. They looked funny with polka dots. Their eggs also had dots. 

I also hiked 2 miles on Anacapa island along with my mom. It was scary because there were so many birds protecting their nests along our path but we did it.

I also got my first junior ranger badge. I completed all the questions on the junior ranger workbook and also took my pledge to protect my national park.  Mommy was so proud of me, so she got me a sea animals gift set that I love to play. It is my favorite toy now.

I got to see eggs on a nest very close to me with the mommy bird watching it.

You can read more about Channel Islands National Park at 

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