Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Easy Water Displacement Project - Archimedes Principle!!

Mommy came up with a very cool and fun project for me to do to see how I can make water rise up!!! I call it Plump Up the Water!!!

Such a simple project but so much fun and so much to learn! Here is the video ....

What I learnt : If I put a bigger marble, I could make the water rise up faster!!!

What you need for this project: 
A cup or beaker with measurements, water and some stones or marbles. You could also try with other objects.

Earlier during the day I read a story about how a thirsty crow wanted to drink water. The thirsty crow found a little water in a vase that it could not reach, so the crow put pebbles into the vase and water slowly rised up to the top and the crow could drink it. I loved this story and it was fun to do what the crow did. I will  post a separate post on this storybook and others that my grandparents sent from India.

Mommy's Notes: Law of buoyancy, discovered by Archimedes, which states that any object that is completely or partially submerged in a fluid at rest is acted on by an upward, or buoyant, force. The magnitude of this force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. The volume of fluid displaced is equal to the volume of the portion of the object submerged.

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/buoyancy-1#ixzz2SAJyUC4s

Lots of fun games to play on computer!!

My mom and dad got me a brand new big boy study table from IKEA that I selected. Mom actually wanted to buy something else but I wanted this table.

Back to the topic, once they set up my table, they also set up a laptop for me, MY VERY OWN LAPTOP with a mouse. I am so excited and couldn't wait to use it. Dad showed me how to play hangman, little alchemy and other games.  These games are all free!! Make sure you select the puzzle and brain games!

You can play them by going to https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/app/35-puzzle-brain?hl=en

Thats me! My dad is showing me how to use Wikipedia!
Here is a video of me playing with Little Alchemy!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

My First Post

Hello - This is my first blog post. My mommy created this blog for me so that we can share all the fun science things we learn. My mommy and daddy think I know a lot for my age but I just love to learn.

When I was less than 2 years old I learned how to read. When I was three I learnt how to do math and read books. I also learnt all the planets and constellations although I dont know if I remember all of them now.

I also know and can point to any country in the world on the world map. I learnt it by myself. I love doing map puzzles. I have all the GEO puzzles my mommy got for me because I was a good kid.

With my mommy I also have my own company called kids4science.com where you can get all amazing science books and project kits.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Reading at 19 months

Here is a video of me when I as 19 month baby!

Mommy Notes: At this point he read over 500 words, more than half of which he had never seen before. By now officially he could read anything. Mom took him to the mall and from his stroller he read "Ann Taylor" and from the car he read "Chevron" ... all at 18 months onwards !!!! Even with a moving car, he would read road signs like stop, freeway, exit, yield and common fast food joints like Jack in the box, burger king. He would be confused my MC in MCDonalds since he pretty much expected a vowel.

We briefly followed the "your baby can read program" by ordering their amazing flash cards but primarily we read a lot of books!!!! Reading is the best gift a child can get!!!! Now currently he is 4 years old and is following the MENSA reading list with full comprehension.