Saturday, May 11, 2013

East Coast Moms Know.......Gifted Kids Enrichment Resources

Note: This post is a little dis-jointed and all over the place. I am just jotting down my jots before I forget. I will fine tune this later.  For me, these are valuable lessons that I learn from the East Coast moms ....

There is no study or research that compares East Coast Vs. West Coast moms nor is there a study that shows that compares IQ of east and west coast children. Atleast I have not come across any.

Of course fellow moms in New York and Chicago know all about these! :) Moms in California are pretty laid back and indulge their kids artistically or in sports or music with some academics but our East Coast Urban moms are about starting to prepare their toddlers to enter Ivy League right from when they are born! California moms know about Kumon and private schools but New York moms know exactly which subject their child should specialize in.

I am a mom with a mission and my mission was simple, enrich my child's life with opportunities and help nurture my child to his potential. I researched around various school of though about infant development and how to help your child read,etc at an young age. Had I not, my child would not have learnt to read before 2!! Almost all the support groups for these I was involved with had majority of moms from the East coast specifically New York and Chicago. In a few groups, I was only the single West Coast Mom. When I pried in deeper, it was obvious why these moms want to make sure their children get into the best schools in New York. The school competition in NYC is cut-throat!! There is also an article in NY Times that address this topic  . If you search on, there are number of guide books to help parents navigate the tough preschool/kindergarten landscape of NYC.

Many NYC moms will know this book ->
Testing for Kindergarten: Simple Strategies to Help Your Child Ace the Tests for: Public School Placement

And these moms are super moms! Between balancing a career, urban life, gun violence, hiring nannies, these moms invest their time and effort for their child's education. It was an eye opener for me as I take so many lessons from these moms and use it in California for my own son. Will this wisdom give my child a competitive advantage? No, I dont think so but atleast it will give him a level playing field if he wants to pursue Ivy League schools.

Gifted Children Kids Enrichment Resources: A few websites where you can buy books for advanced and gifted kids. These books are not cheap!


1 comment:

  1. Sumaya ..thanks for sharing. Great info..did not know the NYC school scene was so competitive. And we were thinking Cupertino kids are soo competitive. Sometimes makes us think getting into Ivy league the ultimate goal ??
    Anyways ..i dont think there is a straight answer to this question :)
