Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How does Mommy do it?

Mommy post!

I received numerous emails and phone calls from so many moms asking for advice or curious how I do it despite working full time and raising a special needs child with absolutely no family help. Is there a secret or if I have superpowers and one mom even asked if I take energy shots everyday, to which I laughed. Another fellow mom thought that I had abundant help since I get time to workout all the time...lol!!! She has no idea how I squeeze time for my workouts!!! A few months back , a mom who I was acquainted with broke down into tears at my son's school parking lot as she was too overwhelmed with handling her family and career.  Here are some of the things I shared with her and others.

First and foremost, take care of yourself. If you dont, then who will? And if you take care of yourself you can take care of your family better. I take 1 or 2 evenings for myself where I spend time reflecting and relaxing. One of the things I advice to fellow moms is 'Let go'  of trying to control everything and instead pick/choose what really matters. Infact be VERY VERY PICKY!!!!

Between a challenging full time job, a part-time job, raising a special needs child and a gifted child, I am involved with 2 real start ups (not mine), mentor young women, be part of professional/leadership women's clubs, workout , pursue my hobbies, work on my future business plans and still have time to facebook. I constantly motivate myself. I am my greatest supporter and champion. I dont spend time thinking too much, instead I spring into action. I am a compulsive researcher, that's where most of my time goes. I plan activities in short bursts. Most of my lesson plans with R2 are 15 minute. Not only are they productive but easy to schedule it in. I plan, plan, plan.

Make sure you workout even if it is just 10 minutes. It is a source to free up any pent up negative energy. It will do wonders to your body and mind. Plus it will increase your speed when thinking/doing other things.

I have shunned meaningless social life and started practicing minimalism. I select and attend very few social events. If it doesnt add value or quality to our life, it takes low priority.  I do all my shopping online. I cook food in bulk and freeze it. I prioritize and only focus on the most important things. I dont let trivial things bother me. If it has to do with my health, my kids or my job , then I pay attention. I invest in very good clothing so I dont have to ponder or worry about what I have to wear. I can just pick anything to wear and be on my way.

My close circle is most important to me, I ensure I nourish those relationships. Everything else takes second priority. From being an alpha-female I have transformed to being an alpha-mom and protect my interests.

Be a leader at home too! Remember there are little eyes looking at you and learning from you all the time. So show your confidence and leadership skills at home too.  Say what you mean, Do what you Say and pick up everything and move on when if it is falling down! No time to sulk, ponder,be depressed! Life goes on! The sun will rise tomorrow! The question is will your spirits be like the sunshine? Only you have the power or control on how you feel!!! I have been slapped with challenges but I respond to it instead of hiding from it.

I make mistakes, tons of them and learn from them. The "make mistakes-and-recover cycle" is very short since I make a lot of them AND I am not afraid to make them. All the challenges I have faced has only made me stronger! Just be brave!

Vent out your thoughts. Write or talk to a friend! It will lead you to a moment of clarity. Just like writing this blogpost is helping me!!!

De-clutter and be minimal!!! Let go of all the clutter you have been hanging on to. If you havent used it in years, you probably dont need it!

Make a daily to do list every night before you go to bed.

Carry a black notebook and pen in your purse so you can record your thoughts anytime light bulb moment happens.

Read, read, read - even if it is just 10 to 15 minutes. Reading keeps your mind fresh.

Record every moment with your child!!! Take numerous pictures!!

Dont compare yourself to other women or moms. You are a 'SuperMom' regardless!!!

Be drama free!!! Your time is not worth to engage in non productive activities.

If you want something go after it yourself, why expect anyone? Are you that incapable to depend on someone to fulfill your needs? But be smart about utilizing your resources. I enlist my domestic partner to help me around with chores and responsibilities but I dont spend cycles to make  decision since I know it will delay the process. Be confident of yourself and learn to take decisions and execute them.

Set high standards for yourself to be remarkable, exceptional, impeccable and just awesome!!! More than anything be genuine!!!!

To be continued......

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